Memorial Cleaning
There are times when man-made or natural events take their toll and monuments and memorials. They no longer look their best, and will need to be cleaned and sometimes straightened. Weather conditions, accidents, accelerated erosion and unpredicted events can make a monument or memorial look neglected and even abandoned. These things happen, and the memorial or monument will need attention. DeChristopher Brothers offers many memorial cleaning services such as: cleaning, resurfacing, and polishing.

Monument Repairs
Natural and unnatural events damage memorials and monuments beyond a simple mending. Accidents, faulty workmanship and cheap materials contribute to quickly eroding a poorly chosen stone that will lead to cracking and deteriorate from water absorption and poor protection from the elements. In the end the stone requires serious repair or replacement. Our skilled craftsmen will assess the extent of damage and then suggest what repairs or restoration we can do for you. Remember, it might look like a minor blemish on the surface, but that might be the start a signal of something that left untreated will become a costly repair.